How we can help

Implementing sustainable standards requires all members of your organisation to be aware of the requirements. We help expand competencies in social and environmental standards by providing training and educational programs.

Sustainability Accountancy

There is a growing demand for assurance on the sustainability of companies’ sustainability. We help by creating reports on the social and environmental sustainability of your organisation in accordance with the CSDDD requirements.

Sustainability Consultancy

Through our expertise in sustainable practices, we help you leverage opportunities within your organisation to implement sustainable practices.

Risk analysis of your supply chain

Sustainability extends beyond your own operations. We help by performing a risk analysis of your supply chain, to indicate which areas require greater due diligence.

Due diligence measures

To ensure the adherence of your supply chain to social and environmental standards, we help embed policies in management communications and procurement contracts, create a preventative or remediation action plan and seek assurance where appropriate.

Carbon accounting

If negative impacts arise in your operations or those of your suppliers, we help address those by providing consultation on a common solution that seeks to promote social and environmental development within the local context.
